
Latest Community Service Opportunity

No more online sign ups!

From now on, you MUST sign for events during the Thursday meetings in B-3 or anytime in Mrs. Gruwell's room, I-6. For here on out, you will not be able to sign up for events online.

Thank you....

Work Day at the Ranch for the Grace Foundation

On October 28th, we will drive out to Latrobe and work on the ranch that belongs to the Grace foundation. This foundation rescues horses that are bound for the slaughterhouse, rehabilitates them, puts them up for adoption or keeps them on the ranch. Some of the horses are part of a program that partners at-risk youth with the horses. Our job on the 28th will include painting the barn and possibly put up a fence. Weather permitting, we will host a barbecue after the event.

Time for the event i...

Welcome to the ORHS Key Club Website

Oak Ridge High SchoolKey Club

Rebuilding Together 2007

Oak Ridge High School students and teachers teamed up to rebuild the home of Mertis Lewis, an 80-year old mother of two who lives alone. The project took hours of planning, and even more hours of har labor, but it all paid off in the end. We made substantial improvements to Mertis' house that should help her live a more comfortable and happy life. ORHS Key Club is sponsoring another house this year! Sign up to help out! (You must be at least 16 years old to work on the home site.)

Get Flash to watch this video. Flash is a quick, free download. You must install flash in order to view videos from this website.

Scholorship Opportunities

Seniors! There are currently two (2) scholarships available. You should apply to both. Click the links to download the applications in Microsoft® Word format. Kiwanis and Ilich Foundation Scholorships.

Key Club Convention 2008

Time to sign up for the 2008 California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District Convention! If you are interested in attending the Convention this year (you should! -- its loads of fun!) then talk to any Club Officer or see Mrs. Gruwell in room I-6. The Convention is overnight from April 18-20, 2008, and takes place in Sacramento.

If you want to get an idea of what the Convention is like, watch this footage from last year's Convention 2007. You can also watch footage from the 2006 Convention if you visit the videos page.

Get Flash to watch this video. Flash is a quick, free download. You must install flash in order to view videos from this website.

Key Club Logo

Oak Ridge Yard Sale - Postponed until the Spring

Oak Ridge is having its very own yard sale in the Spring! The yard sale will be taking place in the upper parking lot (at the corner of Silva Valley Pkwy. and Harvard Way). For more information about the event please download the event flier.


View Yard Sale Flier (Adobe PDF format)

If you are considering selling your stuff at the yard sale then please download the vendor flier.


View Yard Sale Vendor Information (Adobe PDF format)

Event Calendar

Use the Event Calendar to find new community service events and sign up for them.

Club Meetings

Meetings are EVERY Thursday at LUNCH in Room B-3.

Be sure to attend the meetings to find out about new events and hear new announcements.

We'll also be showing picture slideshows, cool Key Club videos, announcing the Member of the Month, and giving out FREE FOOD!

Club Headquarters

Visit Room I-6 anytime (during break or lunch) for Key Club Information. There will [almost] always be an officer there for you to talk to!

Key Club District Project

District Project

The 2006 - 2007 District Project should be the main focus of the club in this school year. Take a look at the goals listed to the left.

Photo Gallery

Take a look at our awesome Photo Gallery. Look for pictures of yourself and your friends!

Member of the Month

Each month one deserving member is selected to be the Member of the Month. This is a very special honor.

Kiwanis Logo